Tuesday 6 May 2008

weight loss update

Yeh heh and I cant help but love you so!

I have now lost 26 pounds in weight on the cambridge diet and next week, yes, next week I will have lost another two pounds at least and pick up my award for losing 2 stones!!!!!!

2 stones
2 stones
2 stones
2 stones

I am looking GOOOOOOOOOOD!

The woman that weighs me actually said if I lose another two stone (as planned) I will be too thin -bwahahahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahha -me, too thin!!!!! hahahahahahahhaha

forget lol, bloody loud and obnoxious hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahah

watch this space xxxxxxx

ps my piggy is much better after his op to remove a tumour - still bloody grumpy though - but proves you dont have to have small animals put down to satisfy the vet. He lived through the anesthetic - ok he didnt eat anything but lettuce for about 2 weeks, but he lived and we love him he is well worth the £50 vet bill.

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